You guys showed a lot of interest in this. I mean who wouldn't?! Smooth hairless with just 3 simple ingredients: sugar, water, and lemon.
Quick flash back
Sugar waxing has been around for years. Me and my younger sister tried making our own sugar wax when we were in high school and it was a hot ass mess. Burning yourself with molten sugar, then having to rip the hair from that exact spot....Let's not dwell on that any longer, lol.
The Recipe
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp lemon juice
Combine and thoroughly mix all 3 ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl (I used Pyrex). Cook in microwave in intervals of 30 seconds until the mixture begins to turn a light, translucent amber color. Stir the mixture with a metal spoon in between each interval. It takes about a 2-3 minutes in my microwave. This is the crucial part of the process. Your ability to time time the cooking will determine the type of wax you produce.
I must dedicate this post and my smooth legs & kitty to Abetweene on Youtube. She has very detailed videos on sugar waxing; I found this recipe on her channel. Go check out her videos to educate yourself further about sugar waxing at home. She also has other at home self-care videos!

You will probably be nervous and sweating during this ordeal, so make sure to apply cornstarch, tapioca powder, or arrowroot powder to the area you are preparing to wax. You may have to apply more after you've begun the waxing process if you begin to sweat too much. Trust me, you will most likely begin to sweat lol due to nervousness.
Waxing Knead wax by stretching it and folding it into itself until it is soft and pliable. If you look like you're making taffy, you're doing it right.

Apply the the wax by smoothing it onto the skin in the opposite direction of hair growth, smooth it in a few times to ensure it adheres to all of the hair.Â

Remove the wax IN the direction of hair growth. Apply pressure to the area immediately after removing the wax to decrease the agony you just inflicted upon yourself.

I applied my Balancing Toner and fresh aloe from my garden after completing my wax.2 days after, I began using a sugar scrub to exfoliate to prevent ingrowns. I prefer sugar scrubbing from the chest down, including my yoni. I have crafted a scrub specifically for our yoni's called Kitty Kandy; a tumeric and tea tree oil infused sugar scrub.

Tea tree is known to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Tumeric will help to lighten hyperpigmentation of our yoni's, while the turbinado and granulated cane sugar gets rid of dead skin and combat razor bumps & ingrown hairs. The coconut oil and honey locks moisture into the skin, helping to prevent chaffing and dry skin. You read that right. The outside of your vagina can be dry, and it probably is dry as hell if you have never moisturized it. I have been moisturizing my yoni for years! Keeping the outer parts of your yoni moisturized will help to prevent hyperpigmentation. Yall better show her some love when yall are lotioning up, just make sure to only use natural moisturizers on her such as shea butter or oil blends.
That's about it! I was able to wax both bottom halves of my legs and underarms by doubling the recipe. I would also suggest doubling the recipe to do a full Brazilian. I used the soft wax for my legs and underarms. However, I used the hard wax for my Brazilian because I had more control using the strips (I really didn't, it was a failed attempt at tricking myself into thinking it'd be easier with the strips lol). Believe it or not, doing my Brazilian hurt the least but it was the most challenging to do mentally. My armpits were BRUTAL, and I honestly thought I would be able to power through them..... Definitely not! The picture below shows me with the wax on my armpit and the slightest tinge of blood. In that very moment I was honestly considering hopping in the shower and washing the wax off (yes, the wax dissolves in water and you can easily wash it off if you get too scared). The best advice I can give if you are attempting to sugar wax yourself and you've never gotten waxed before is to trim your hair , work in small sections and to do it with a friend. I have been getting Brazilian waxes for years and I have even done my own at least a dozen times, but for some reason I truly thought sugaring would hurt 10x as much and I was literally just psyching myself out! Just breathe, and FIRMLY pull as soon as you exhale. The pain only lasts a few seconds at most.
Would I Do This Again?
Most certainly! It's economical, cheap, and eco-friendly if you are using the strip-less wax. & you only have to do it about once a month. Would you guys ever try sugar waxing at home?